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HOW IT WORKS – four Simple Steps

Consigned vacation experiences from Travel 4 Charity are easy to use, risk-free, and proven to add revenue and excitement to your silent & live auctions.

  • Contact our Auction Expert

  • Select Vacation Experiences


  • Sell Them in the Auction

  • Let us know the Results

Some of our Popular Destinations

All vacation experiences are provided on a no-risk consigment basis.

Contact us

Contact Our Auction Expert

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What risk do I assume with Travel 4 Charity?

NONE! All travel experiences are provided on a no-risk, consignment basis. If there are no bids, there is no financial impact.

Can the travel experiences be sold multiple times at our event?

YES! All packages may be sold multiple times, and this is a great way to add revenue to your fundraiser.

May we use travel experiences for raffles, giveaways, grand prizes or other fundraising elements beyond the silent & live auctions?

YES! You may use the travel experiences as most benefits your organization.

How do the finances work?

Each travel experience is offered at a fixed, non-profit price. Your organization keeps 100% of the money raised over and above that fixed price. Post-event, we will send you an invoice for the travel experiences that are sold.

How do we select which travel experiences to use?

Please talk to us! With over 20 years of experience and many thousands of auctions, we can guide you to bestsellers and, more importantly, to the best MIX of travel experiences that will help you to maximize your fundraising efforts.

What happens after the event?

We will promptly provide vouchers to your travel experience winners containing booking instructions and other important details.

Do travel experiences have expiration dates?

Each one is different, but most expire in either 18 or 24 months, well beyond the standard 12 months. Some packages have no expiration dates at all.

Why don’t the travel experiences include airfare?

Because it increases the fixed, non-profit price significantly. We have learned over many years that including airfare is not needed to successfully use our travel experiences as a fundraising tool.